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ISSN : 1225-1011(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1727(Online)
The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration Vol.47 No.4 pp.1-13

Cost Analysis Model according to Mortality in Land-based Aquaculture

Youn-Yang Eh


Fish mortality is the most important success factor in aquaculture management. To analyze the effect of mortality considering biological and economic condition is a important problem in land-based aquaculture. This study is aimed to analyze the effect of mortality for duration of cultivation in land-based aquaculture. This study builds the mathematical model that finds the value of decision variable to minimize cost that sums up the water pool usage cost, sorting cost, fingerling cost and feeding cost under critical standing corp constraint. The proposed mathematical model involves many aspects, both biological and economical: (1) number of fingerlings (2) timing and number of batch splitting event, based on (3) fish growth rate, (4) mortality, and (5) several farming expense. Numerical simulation model presented here in. The objective of numerical simulation is to provide for decision makers to analyse and comprehend the proposed model. When extensive biological and cost data become available, the proposed model can be widely applied to yield more accurate results.


